HYDROMIX-Fluid 50 is a water-based emulsion with special active ingredients for the production of concrete with a reduced capillary water absorption as a basis for the prevention of primary and secondary efflorescence. HYDROMIX-Fluid 50 has been especially developed for the application on concrete pavers, blocks, sleepers, tiles/slabs, GRC etc., but can also be used for any other cementitious materials.

1. Are you tired of complaints about efflorescence and discoloration on your concrete surface?

Then you should start using HYDROMIX-Fluid 50 because it reduces the capillary diameter without restricting the breathability. This leads to a reduced transport of free lime particles within the concrete and to a water-repellent effect against infiltrating water — both are essential factors for the development of CaCO3 (also known as efflorescense) on the concrete surface.

2. Do you want to have happy customers over many years?

Then you should start using HYDROMIX-Fluid 50 because the active ingredients are built-in and spread throughout the whole concrete – not just for a while like sealers. HYDROMIX is made to stay.

3. Do you think your customers would appreciate it that HYDROMIX-Fluid 50 makes the surface water-repellent?

They sure would, because concrete made with HYDROMIX-Fluid 50 will attract less dirt and will be easier to clean.

4. What would you say if you could increase the life span of your concrete surface?

HYDROMIX-Fluid 50 makes the surface more resistant to freeze-thaw attack and gives it more durability in salty air environments.

5. Fewer complaints, happier customers, reducing your CO2 footprint… Sounds too good to be true?

Well, that’s the 5th reason. HYDROMIX-Fluid 50 is neither new nor difficult to get. Call Actech for more.


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