Bond Breaker Range

Name Code Base Type Release Type Size Chemical Type  
Crete Lease Bondbreaker 5L 1000BB-0005 Water Barrier 5 Release Agent Order
Crete Lease Bondbreaker 20L 1000BB-0020 Water Barrier 20 Release Agent Order
Crete Lease Bondbreaker 200L 1000BB-0200 Water Barrier 200 Release Agent Order
Crete Lease Bondbreaker 1000L 1000BB-1000 Water Barrier 1000 Release Agent Order


Product Description

  • It does not wash off in moderate rains and leaves a clean concrete surface and no disfiguring patches of stain.
  • Can also be used as a curing compound. It is obviously compatible with itself as a release agent.
  • Is non-staining / Resists modest rains / Is non-toxic /Minimizes water penetration into the base slab.
  • Works well on broomed or textured concrete casting slabs.

Usage in Water Storage Structures

Crete-Lease Bond Breaker is non-toxic and non‐hazardous. After Crete-Lease Bond Breaker has fully dried it is no longer water-soluble and should not transfer from the concrete surface into water contained in storage or transfer structures. If used for formwork then the residue must be washed off.

Fields of Applications

  • Tilt-up Concrete Panels
  • Temporary Protection of Surfaces eg. pavers during grouting

Application Instructions

Crete Lease “Bond Breaker” requires special tips and sprayers. It can be applied using the ACTECH AIR POWERED Sprayer with 110/8004 tip or a Chapin 1949. It is recommended that a filter be used in the line.

Drying Time

Drying depends on temperature and humidity. At 20°C and about 50% relative humidity, you want Bond Breaker to dry in about 30 minutes. All water-based coatings take much longer to “dry” when the ambient weather is near the dew point or the humidity is very high. Can take as long as two hours to dry when humidity is very high.

Removal After Erection:

High-pressure water, approximately 1,000 psi (7,000 kPa) or higher, removes dried Bond Breaker. If water is hot, removal is faster. The film will disappear in 2 to 3 weeks in the sun.


SKU 1000BB-0200
Shipping Weight 180 kg
Volume 0.3028
Base Type Water
Release Type Barrier
Size 200
Chemical Type Release Agent


Bond Breaker SDS (MSDS)
Bond Breaker TDS (Technical Data)