Exporock Range

Name Code Base Type Size Chemical Type  
Fritz-Pak EXPOROCK 450g 198419 Powder 0.45 kg Surface Retarder Order


Product Description

Suitable for freshly placed concrete wherever decorative, textured, or non-skid surfaces are needed, for example on roadways, footpaths, patios, and pool decks. The concentrated retarder keeps mortar from sticking to the aggregate. It allows even removal of mortar from the slab surface.

Product Advantages

  • Powder packaged in water-soluble bags. Easily mixed with water in the field. Only 5-10 minutes of mixing are required, one bag provides one gallon (4 Lt.) of solution. Just prepare what you need. In its dry form, Exporock does not need to be protected from freezing
  • Contains a yellow-green dye for easy and even spraying, which will decompose in sunlight after drying, to avoid over-spraying or staining of forms, equipment, or clothing
  • Non-toxic, no odours, and biodegradable
  • Formulated with thickeners for easier spraying, less misting, and less dripping
  • Economical


SKU 198419
Shipping Weight 0 kg
Base Type Powder
Size 0.45 kg
Chemical Type Surface Retarder