Hebanaul CSE Pro Range

Name Code Base Type Size Chemical Type  
Transform Release Agent for CSE Pro / BEA - 25L 160020-0025 Oil/Solvent 25 Release Agent Order
Hebanaul BEA (CSE Pro) 400 - Violet 160BEA.400 Oil/Solvent 20 Surface Retarder Order
Hebanaul BEA (CSE Pro) 200 - Orange 160BEA.200 Oil/Solvent 20 Surface Retarder Order
Hebanaul BEA (CSE Pro) 130 - White 160BEA.130 Oil/Solvent 20 Surface Retarder Order
Hebanaul BEA (CSE Pro) 10 - Green 160BEA.010 Oil/Solvent 20 Surface Retarder Order
Hebanaul BEA (CSE Pro) 070 - Grey 160BEA.070 Oil/Solvent 20 Surface Retarder Order
Hebanaul BEA (CSE Pro) 050 - Pink 160BEA.050 Oil/Solvent 20 Surface Retarder Order
Hebanaul BEA (CSE Pro) 01 - Blue 160BEA.001 Oil/Solvent 20 Surface Retarder Order


Product Description

HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) is a solvent-based (free of toluene or other aromatic hydrocarbons) surface deactivator for the production of exposed aggregate concrete surfaces in all exposure depths, from micro-exposure to the coarsest exposed aggregate concrete. HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) functions reliably even under the most difficult application circumstances.


Colour Code

Aggregate Size Exposure Depth
CSE Pro 01


0-4/8 mm 0.5 mm
CSE Pro 10


2-8 mm 1.5 mm
CSE Pro 50 (Discontinued)


6-8/12 mm 2.5 mm
CSE Pro 70


8-16 mm 3.0 mm
CSE Pro 130 (Discontinued)


8-16/22 mm 4.0 mm
CSE Pro 200


8-16 mm 5.0 mm
CSE Pro 400


16-32 mm 7.0 mm

Advantages in Application

The active ingredients of HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) are non-polluting and biologically harmless natural products.

HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) is suitable for the negative (mold-surface-application) and positive application (spray-application on fresh/green concrete surface). It is economical, easy to use, can be sprayed, dries quickly, is abrasion-resistant, and can be applied on all types of clean moulds.

HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) even functions reliably where other products fail (e.g. in hot weather or at weekend productions). It is available in a wide range of well-graded types.

Fields of Application

HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) can be used for all concrete surfaces with the highest requirements in every respect, above all for complicated elements with horizontal or vertical, smooth, structured, or angular moulds, commonly known as architectural concrete, where other products often fail. For example Precast wall panels, small decorative concrete units, driveways, etc.

Application Instruction

HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) must be stirred up thoroughly with an electric drill before use.

For negative (mould-surface) application HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) should be applied to the mould economically and evenly with a short-nap painting-roller. We recommend the use of our RSE-rollers.

After a short drying time, in which the HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) forms a solid, abrasion-resistant coating, the casting of the concrete can begin and should be carried out with care in order to rule out segregations of the face-concrete (face-mix).

For positive (top-surface) application HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) should be carefully sprayed onto the fresh concrete surface, taking care to cover the surface thoroughly and evenly. The concrete surface must be smoothened, free of excess surface water and especially free of any segregation. It is not necessary to cover the sprayed surface, but it can be beneficial under extreme weather conditions.

We recommend an airless sprayer with a medium tip/nozzle size. The nozzle size depends largely on the kind of sprayer but should range between 0.6 mm and 1.2 mm. HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) should be given time to dry before the full rain protection is established.

Drying Time:

The drying time depends on the outside temperatures and the consumption of the material and may vary between 0 and 30 minutes. The choice of the right type of HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) for each individual case should be made through trials, i.e. the test samples should be produced according to the exact production reality regarding the mixture of the concrete, production course and time, thickness of the element and the resulting setting temperature.

The concrete mixture and consistency must rule out the possibility of segregation and of the concrete setting too quickly. The initial setting of the concrete should not start earlier than 45-50 minutes after vibration after the concrete has been placed into the mould. If heating of the moulds is necessary, it should not take place less than one hour after vibration.

All positive data determined in the trials should be transferred to the production process as exactly as possible. The vibration time should be kept as short as possible, but as long as necessary and must be determined in trials. However, the vibration should begin no later than 45 minutes after the concrete has been placed into the mould.

Larger changes to the established optimal production process, which cannot be avoided technically, can be compensated for by using a different type of HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) or by changing the course of production or the mixture. It may be necessary to clean the mould by washing it with a mild acid solution before starting a new production.


The panels should remain in the mould for at least 8 hours. Washing normally takes place within 24 hours. However, it can also be carried out after 48 or 72 hours, but this must be tested in pilot trials.

It is very important to keep the same washing rhythm when producing a coherent line of panels. However, this washing rhythm might have to be adjusted, if the outside temperatures change extremely.

The panels should remain in the moulds until washing unless the user wants to reduce the exposure depth. In this case, the panels can be exposed to the air between de-moulding and washing for a period between 2 and 8 hours (this period of time must be defined in tests and may vary according to the outside temperature).

The most efficient way of washing the panels is with a high-pressure water jet. It is also possible to brush the panels and then subsequently wash them.

Cleaning of the Moulds:

Mould oils or release agents are neither recommended nor necessary, as they can reduce the abrasion resistance of the BEA-coating.

If HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) is used economically, sweeping the moulds with a scraper will clean them. It can be helpful to wait for 20 – 30 minutes after the de-moulding/stripping of the panel because within that time the moist residue on the mould has dried out and has become dry enough to be removed from the mould surface very easily.

No traces of the active ingredients of the HEBAUNAL BEA (CSE Pro) can be found in the washing water. The active ingredients are completely used up during the reaction with the concrete


Depending on the absorbency of the mould surface, 1 kg for approx. 10-15 sqm.


SKU 160BEA.001
Shipping Weight 20 kg
Volume 0.036
Base Type Oil/Solvent
Size 20
Chemical Type Surface Retarder


CSE Pro/Hebanaul BEA TDS (Technical Data)